Best Organic Baby Products 2019
Apr 06, 2019
Seeking out the finest organic baby brands and best organic baby accessories.
I’ve been so lucky to recently become a parent. It’s been an absolute rollercoaster ride so far and I have loved every minute. Well, apart from the odd 2am poonami.
In the interests of a healthy, happy, thriving baby, we wanted the best and most natural home environment. This blog has long been known for finding natural ways to live better.
So here is my list of the best organic baby products 2019. I’ve also added in some of my favourite natural, non-toxic and low-EMF products as well.
We also wanted to buy second-hand or use hand-me-downs wherever possible to help the environment. So here is the non-toxic, super natural, low EMF, as-environmentally-friendly-as-possible approach which has helped us.
Feel free to check out the stuff we are using, but remember, this is my personal experience only. Please always get expert advice (and consult your doctor where appropriate) before using any of these items. This is just the the baby organic stuff that has worked for us.
Disclaimer: you may read this blog and think - this man has far too much time in his hands to do all this research. You may be right. Don’t judge me! There are organic baby Amazon affiliate links in this blog for which I receive a small amount, so maybe that somehow justifies it, but mainly, this is just a labour of love. And okay, I admit it, I quite enjoyed putting this list together.
First the overview: You can immediately click through to your favourite product, or scroll down for my in-depth review for each one.
Best organic baby prams and car seats
Nuna Pipa Lite car seat
Bumbleride pram
Little Green Sheep waterproof protector
Best low-emf baby monitors
Snuza Hero MD (Medically Certified) Portable Baby Breathing Monitor
Simple ol’ Airplane Mode
Organic baby cribs and bedroom products
Snuzpod 3 Bedside Crib.. Comes with an Organic mattress. Safe co-sleeping
Multi-mam Compresses (lifesaver for early days of breastfeeding)
Natural Nipple Butter (not for me you understand)
Best organic baby colic products and best organic baby reflux products
Best organic nappies and baby bath time products
Nappies - after extensive testing, our favourites are Kit & Kin nappies.
Burts Bees for bath time.
Best organic baby sling
Best Books
The Better Baby Book: How to Have a Healthier, Smarter, Happier Baby
Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme
Gentle First Year: The Essential Guide to Mother and Baby Wellbeing in the First Twelve Months
The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother
Food of Love, The: Your Formula for Successful Breastfeeding
Natural, organic baby clothing
Frugi, an ethical and organic children’s clothing brand.
Best supplements/bits for Mum
And now the detail…
The best eco-friendly organic pram - GreenTom pram - I searched high and low for non-toxic prams. I really do have an exciting life! What does non-toxic actually mean? We didn’t want a pram/stroller with flame retardants/polyurethane foam/plastics that contain BPA, PVC, phthalates, and other harmful chemicals, or any other nasties. Prams have to meet very stringent safety standards which is obviously great, and there are a few select brands that meet those standards whilst retaining organic natural materials and without using chemicals to treat their products. We went for a GreenTom pram (the “world’s greenest pram”). All fabrics and frame components are non-toxic, have been extensively tested for chemical substances, and it comes with an organic mattress made of cotton, flax and wool. Slightly useless side-note: This pram is so green, it’s fully recyclable, though after shelling out all that money on this pram, you won’t be wanting to throw it out anytime soon.
Nuna Pipa Lite - We bought the Nuna Pipa Lite carseat which is pretty much the cleanest one we could find. The technical blurb: it’s made of a Merino wool and TENCEL™* lyocell fiber blend (whatever that is) and no added fire retardant chemicals (sounds good). As far as possible, this blog tries to focus on affordable organic products. However the Nuna Pipa Lite does come at a premium.
We looked at the Bumbleride pram, which is very organic and natural, however it’s harder to get that here in the UK. Any others you like? Let me know in the comments.
Best organic pram sheets. It’d be a shame to go to all the trouble of getting an organic pram, and then putting some cheap scratchy sheet on it. Organic pram sheets and waterproof protector from the Little Green Sheep, these can also be used for your Crib.
Low-EMF gadgets
Reducing electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) is a big theme on Zestology. But so are gadgets that can help with health and wellness. Here’s how we’ve ticked both boxes.
The best low EMF baby monitor. Trust me, I’ve read a thousand baby monitor reviews so you don’t have to. Okay, here goes, deep breath. To communicate without any wires, all baby monitors transmit a signal. Often this signal is really quite strong - not good for baby. Most baby monitors in fact are constantly emitting Radio Frequency radiation either in the FM band or as microwaves, and they are close to baby. Which even to someone as EMF-uneducated as me, doesn’t sound like a good thing. Hartig and Helling make an ‘extremely low-radiation’ baby monitor which works through a very low analogue radio signal, that is voice-activated (important) These radio signals are considered to be safer than the newer digital frequencies (bluetooth, wifi, etc). Even the charging units for this monitor are low EMF. I spent ages finding this monitor, let me know if you have anything better though. There are lots of blogs where the issue of EMF and monitors is more in-depth, you could start here.
Snuza Hero MD (Medically Certified) Portable Baby Breathing Monitor. While we’re on the issue of monitoring baby naturally, there are a number of devices out there such as the Baby Monitor sheets or socks which offers an enticing amount of data about your babies breathing, heart rate, temperature, and lots more. This may well be the solution for some parents. For us though, we felt there was a problem. Devices like this are transmitting small amounts of radiation through bluetooth or wifi, and it is literally in contact with your baby, so very close. I don’t even wear anything transmitting bluetooth myself (I use the Oura tracker as you can switch the bluetooth off), so I certainly wouldn’t want anything like that for the baby. We did however find an absolute godsend for baby peace-of-mind in the early days. The very compact Snuza Hero MD is a medically approved device that measures your baby’s breathing, and makes a discreet click sound with each breath. You affix to the baby’s nappy, and it has provided us with a certain peace of mind at night. It’s natural for parents to worry about babies, well it certainly seems natural to us, but this device has reduced some of that worry. It’s battery operated, and should the baby not breath for a certain amount of time, it vibrates and makes a loud sound.
Airplane Mode. Good old fashioned airplane mode and keeping our phones in airplane mode around baby as much as possible. Trying to keep baby away from wifi signals and so on. Easier said than done when it’s two in the morning, the baby is awake, and you are desperate to know if someone else in the NCT group is in the land of the living.
Baby bedroom
Best organic crib - the Snuzpod 3 Bedside Crib. It has an organic mattress and attaches to your bed. Safe co-sleeping. We love the snuzpod. It’s like the baby has his own bed, but is close to us when he needs us.Organic cot sheets. See organic pram sheets above. Why buy normal sheets, when you could spend double on something that’s organic? Joking aside, we were very happy to use nice organic sheets with baby. I just need a new mortgage now to pay for them.
Sleepyhead Deluxe+ Baby Pod. New parents talk in hushed awe about the power of the Sleepyhead, and we soon worked out why. We were lucky that we got a family hand-me-down from Our little cherub didn’t want to sleep at first in his lovely new Snuzpod, but he was quite happy in the Sleepyhead. It has undergone some rigorous safety testing, but please note the instructions around night-time use.
Organic muslins. The baby sick goes everywhere, but at least it’s wiped up with something organic feeding - these ones are called Muslinz.
(With thanks to my partner Faith)
If you decide to breastfeed avoid any embarrassing leaks with these organic, hypoallergenic Reusable Nursing Breast Pads.
My partner swore by Multi-mam Compresses as a lifesaver for the early more uncomfortable days of breastfeeding
Protect your nipples after each feed with natural Earth Mama Angel Nipple Butter. Apparently non-natural nipple butter is a thing. So do yourself a favour and go natural.
Helping baby with colic and reflux and wind.
Best natural colic product - Colief. I’ve never celebrated farts as much as with the new baby. Our baby has a lot of trapped wind. At first we thought he had a cold, but then it turned out to be a wind/reflux situation. We’ve found some great natural solutions including Colief Infant Drops.
Organic Baby Tea from Neumann. Tea for babies? Sounds crazy. It’s not. Brew it up, let it cool down, then give him a tiny amount to help with the wind and discomfort. We discontinued this a few days ago and regretted it for the night. Helps with the farts. Too much info? It won’t be if you’re up half the night with baby’s trapped wind.
Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water Liquid. One of the best things we’ve used. This stuff works. Great company too - all organic. Prepare for rocket-powered baby-farts after taking this stuff.
Washing and nappy time
Best natural baby wipes - Water Wipes - the world’s purest baby wipes. Apparently. Nice n’ moist, can’t say fairer than that, and 99.9% water.
Cam Cam Changing Cushion. As sure as night follows day, when you change his nappy, he loves a good pee. This keeps everything dry. Organically grown cotton.
Best Organic Nappies. The runners up - we've had success with Bambo Nature and Beaming Baby, Both seem about as eco-friendly as it gets nappy-wise. The winner though is Kit and Kin nappies. They are described as a high-performance eco-friendly nappy. And more importantly - I’m going to have to get technical here - they just seem to catch the poo better. If you’ve found anything else good, let me know. Hey, let’s talk nappies! What has my life come to?
Burt’s Bees for bath time. Burt’s Bees baby products have always been popular, and we will no doubt get into Burt’s Bees baby clothes in future. For now, the Burt’s Bees bathtime range is nice and gentle and seems perfect for our newborn.
Best Organic Baby Wrap - Coracor. This is a lovely natural way to carry your baby around close to the body. Warning: the process of putting this sling is considerably more complicated than building a piece of IKEA flat pack furniture. We were given this, and if you are looking for organic baby gifts, I’d say this is an extremely generous one to give or receive.
Best Natural Baby Book - The Better Baby Book: How to Have a Healthier, Smarter, Happier Baby by Dave Asprey and Lana Asprey. Dave Asprey is a regular guest on my podcast Zestology and me and my partner read this book before we started to try for a baby. It’s very, very good. One my fave bits: some great supplement suggestions on improving your sperm count, which delicately speaking meant the added bonus of making the whole process of trying for a baby even more enjoyable.
Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme. My partner says this book by a childbirth guru and Gentle First Year: The Essential Guide to Mother and Baby Wellbeing in the First Twelve Months are brilliant and highly recommends them.
The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother is full of wise advice and recipes for nourishing mum after birth. I cooked up the chicken, ginger and red date soup and it came out well. I don’t think I’d ever eaten red dates before.
Natural, organic baby clothes
Om Baby - our friend runs this stunning small boutique eco-friendly baby clothing brand. Check out the stunning mother and baby designs. The prints are made using both natural & eco dyes and are all created in small runs, by hand, as well as putting money back into the communities where the fabrics are made.
We love Frugi (though it’s not cheap). It is the UK’s leading ethical and organic children’s clothing brand. All of their cotton is 100% organic and their clothes are banging. My child is way better dressed than me.
Supplements for Mum
Best natural pregnancy supplement - Seeking Health | Optimal Prenatal | Prenatal Vitamins for Women. Dr Ben Lynch is one of my favourite health experts, and he has devoted much of his work to healthy, happy pregnancies and babies. We met him at Paleo FX in Austin last year and my partner has been taking his prenatal ever since, and since the baby is born too. It’s expensive, but it seems to cover off most of the bases in terms of the vitamins/minerals and supplements you need. I also take quite a few of the Seeking Health supplement range and consider them very good quality.
Udderly Gorgeous Stretch Mark Balm. Again, probably worth pointing out it wasn’t me using this. But it was good for Mummy getting back her tight tummy. Free of parabens, petrochemical, sulphate or artificial colour. Natural, basically.